
Water resistant

Test of reduction of SPF caused by salt water

Regulatory reference: ISO 24444:2010 of 15/11/2010 and Colipa test method 2006 for the determination of the WATER RESISTANCE. Test performed according to modified COLIPA 2005 method
Claim: Salt water resistant
Application field: Finished sunscreen products.
Description of the test: Test performed on 10 volunteers, by comparison of pre-wash and post-wash SPF. The treatment includes two washes, one in salt water, performed by irroration with 1M NaCl solution by a pressureless drop shower, and one in fresh water. If the reduction of protection is greater than 50% the product isn’t considered to be “Salt Water Resistant”.
Posted in Water resistant, Salt water resistant, Sunscreens, Claim for cosmetics

Preliminary in vitro water resistance test

Regulatory reference: Proprietary method based on ISO 24443:2012
Claim: Water resistant
Application field: Sunscreen creams, sticks and cosmetic products.
Description of the test: Determination of the percentage of water resistance of a sunscreen product on PMMA plates with measurements before and after washes in controlled conditions. The preliminary test requires confirmation through in vivo tests.
Posted in Water resistant, Sunscreens, Claim for cosmetics

In vivo water resistance test

Regulatory reference: ISO 16217/18861
Claim: Water resistant or Very water resistant
Application field: Sunscreen creams, sticks and cosmetic products.
Description of the test: Determination of the percentage of persistence of the Sun Protection Factor (SPF) on healthy volunteers after washing in controlled conditions.
Posted in Water resistant, Very water resistant, Sunscreens, Claim for cosmetics